Blacksmithing is a great skill to have but it relies on mining, a profession that supports Blacksmithing and can waste a lot of time. If you want to do Blacksmithing you’ll have to use Mining….unless you are smart and buy all your supplies.
This Blacksmithing Leveling Guide is aimed to help you with leveling your blacksmithing to 450, as quickly and cheaply as possible. Do yourself a favor and use this gold guide. and just buy all the mats to save time.
Each section of this leveling guide gives the optimal path along with materials needed for leveling your blacksmithing skill. Please remember, don’t sell any crafted ‘* Grinding Stones’ until you’ve confirmed they aren’t needed in future steps. I’ve also excluded blacksmithing materials that are purchased from general vendors.
Apprentice Blacksmithing (Leveling 1-75)
Leveling Blacksmithing to 300 can be done all in the major cities, next to the Blacksmithing Trainer. Talk to a guard to find the city’s Blacksmithing Trainer. For leveling from 1-75, all you need is 4 stacks of Rough Stone and a stack of Coarse Stones (3 stacks total to get to level 90). These should be very cheap on the Auction House, just a few gold total.

Journeyman Blacksmithing (Leveling 75-150)
Leveling from 75 to 150 will cost mostly Bronze & Copper. You’re really better off buying this stuff off the Auction House opposed to running around Elwynn or Durator looking for it (it’ll just take too long). You are going to need a ton of gold leveling Blacksmithing to 450, so you better start farming it now.

Expert Blacksmithing (Leveling 150-220)
Leveling to 220 you’ll need the 55 Heavy Grinding Stones that you crafted earlier in this guide. You will also need a ton of Iron and Steel (Steel is Iron+Coal smelted by a Miner).

Artisan Blacksmithing (Leveling 220-300)
Leveling your blacksmithing from 220 to 300 with this guide will require a lot of Mithril (almost 300, 15 stacks) and a TON of Thorium (420, 21 stacks) Just the Thorium alone can cost more than 1,000g.

Master Blacksmithing (Leveling 300-350)
Before you can continue leveling past 300 you need to visit one of the following Master Blacksmithing Trainers:
- Alliance: Humphry <Master Blacksmithing Trainer> Honor Hold
- Horde: Rohok <Master Blacksmithing Trainer> Thrallmar
Leveling blacksmithing from 300 to 350 with this guide will require a lot of Fel Iron, about 155 or ~8 stacks, along with at least 4 stacks of Adamantite (but probably more) You should pick these up off the Auction House instead of flying around the Outlands looking for them.

Grand Master Blacksmithing (Leveling 350-450)
To continue leveling to 450 you need to be at least level 60 and have level 350 Blacksmithing. Head to one of the following Grand Master Blacksmithing Trainers:
- Alard Schmied Dalaran, Magus Commerce Exchange
- Alliance: Argo Strongstout Valiance Keep, Borean Tundra
- Horde: Crog Steelspine Warsong Hold, Borean Tundra
- Alliance: Rosina Rivet Valgarde, Howling Fjord
- Horde: Kristen Smythe Vengeance Landing, Howling Fjord
Leveling Blacksmithing to 450 with this guide will cost 100s or Cobalt, Saronite and dozens of Titanium. You can buy these over a few days off the Auction House to keep prices low or go all at it and buyout the Auction House (look for Ore to smelt, sometimes it’s cheaper)