This Enchanting leveling guide will take you from 1-450. The quantities listed in the guide are best estimates so expect them to vary a bit. Enchanting is pretty expensive to power level, but most of the materials are available on the Auction House, so you can save up your gold and then spend it all in one night and have a massive Enchanting leveling party!
Use this gold guide to get cash if you don’t have any.
While you are leveling, if you have extra gold to buy vellum you can enchant it and gain skill ups as you normally would, but you can sell it on the Auction House as an enchant. If you have the gold to buy some, it sure beats grinding out on the same piece of gear over and over while you are leveling.
Apprentice & Journeyman Enchanting (Levels 1-155)
Savor the beginning cheap and easy levels of Enchanting while you can because it’s going to get a heck of a lot more expensive and harder to level up as you go on. Leveling Enchanting can get quite expensive!

Expert Enchanting (Levels 155-230)
This section contains the Expert Enchanting leveling section of the guide. Hopefully your leveling is going well!

Artisan Enchanting (Levels 230-300)
Here’s the Artisan leveling guide section of this enchanting guide.
Master Enchanting (Levels 300-375)
In order to level up and train some of the formulas in this section you’ll need to visit a Grand Master Enchanting Trainer. You can find them in the following locations:
Horde: Eorain Dawnstrike in Warsong Hold, Borean Tundra or Emil Autumn in Vengeance Landing, Howling Fjord or Enchanter Nalthanis in Dalaran.
Alliance: Alexis Marlowe in Valiance Keep, Borean Tundra or Elizabeth Jackson in Valgarde, Howling Fjord or Enchanter Nalthanis in Dalaran.

Grand Master Enchanting (Levels 375-450)
Before aimlessly attempting to level up enchanting by using same enchant on the same piece of gear try looking for work. This can and will save you a lot of mats, time, and money while you are leveling up. Use other people to get mats and pay you for your services. Save all your mats as you level in Northrend zones and instances, it’ll make leveling up a lot easier.