This guide is extremely useful especially if you are power leveling an alternate character with your main. If you don’t have a main character to run you through I would recommend starting in some the easiest instance and wait until at least level 40 and when you have the correct setup to solo. In Scarlet Monastery the elites will range from levels low to mid 30s in the library instance (instance on the right when you enter) to 39-40 in the cathedral.
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Primal Spirit Farming Guide

Primal Spirits are the Warlords of Draenor Currency for a lot of high level crafting components in each profession. A full list can be found here but the biggest reason people want to farm them is because they allow you to purchase Savage Blood which is quite expensive on the Auction House. Having said that, you could farm Primal Spirits, buy Savage Blood, and sell them on the Auction House.
Sounds like a simple way to make a ton of gold right?
Hang in there it’s not that easy, Savage Bloods cost 50 Primal Spirits, and Primal Spirits aren’t easy to come by. Continue reading
Warlords of Draenor Mining Guide 1-700
As you are well aware minimum requirements to mine nodes was removed in patch 5.3 making level up your gathering professions easier.
Therefore, you can go 1-700 following old routes if you’d like.
One of the biggest changes in Warlords of Draenor is there are no more profession trainers. To improve your skill level simply learn the profession you want, after killing a few mobs a scroll should drop that boosts your maximum skill level to 700, all that’s left for you to do is to get it there.
A World of Warcraft Without Bots

Fred is an ordinary level 81 Hunter in World of Warcraft that’s about to begin his very first profession of Blacksmithing. Fred plays on a low population server. Because there are less people on the server it is harder and more expensive to get items, especially ore and some components for blacksmithing.
In patch 5.2 Blizzard added a 1-500 leveling bypass to the game where you can level 1-500 by using Ghost Iron Bars. It takes exactly 4,412 Ghost Iron Bars to complete this step, which is an average of 12,000 gold with the price per bar of 2.7 gold each. From 500-600 you could go through another 1000 ghost iron bars making the grand total to level Blacksmithing to 600 about 15,000 gold. Continue reading
Best Transmorgification Sets – Farming Old World Raids

This past week I decided to work on my transmog for my Hunter after I finished all of the weekly raids. She’s item level 524 which is enough to finish a lot of old raids (where the cool looking gear drops).
There are a lot of guides that tell you how to obtain look-a-like gear. This type of gear has the same appearance as the cool armor sets and a lot of it can be found in old heroic dungeons from Vanilla WoW and TBC. Continue reading
Fastest Way to Get Item Level 480 for Throne of Thunder Raids
Being a power leveler I’ve had to find ways to get ready for Heroic Instances and Raids as fast as possible. Blizzard has made this job extremely easy over time. Now PvP gear comes equipped with PvE stats it is somewhat usable in the raids and also can increase your item level to get you there.
So there are three things to focus on to get yourself to item level 480 and into the Throne of Thunder Raids.
- Item Level 476 Malevolent PvP gear + 493 Conquest Pieces
- Valor points from running Heroics, Dailies, and any raids you can get into, so that you can buy reputation gear from the vendors which is typically 489+ in item level
- Making gold to buy BoE epics from the Auction House Continue reading
Kiron-Tor Offensive and Sunreaver Onslaught Reputation Guide
These factions were added in patch 5.2 as part of an Isle of Thunder War effort. They center around an array of daily quests that are phased in a similar style of the Isle of Quel’Danas from The Burning Crusade.
As you complete daily PvP and PvE quests you will be pushing your server-wide effort closer to unlocking the next stage.
To get to the Isle of Thunder take the portal from the Shrine of the Two Moons or Shrine of the Seven Stars located near the Dalaran Portal.
Shado-Pan Assault Reputation Guide
This reputation is only gained by killing bosses in the Throne of Thunder.
The rewards are all item level 522 and will require valor points plus reputation level to purchase. You will have access to the following items at each reputation level. Continue reading
Golden Lotus Reputation Farming – Fastest Way to Max Golden Lotus Reputation
This guide has nothing to do with doing the dailies for Golden Lotus although you should do them every day for sure to help max Golden Lotus Rep.
This guide is for farming Ancient Guo-Lai Cache Keys which can be used to open Ancient Guo-Lai Cache’s which are located in Guo-Lai Halls in the Northwestern part of Vale of Eternal Blossoms. Continue reading
Klaxxi Reputation Farming – Fastest Way to Max Klaxxi Reputation
This post isn’t about doing the Klaxxi dailies in Dread Wastes, although you should do those as much as possible. This post is about getting your Klaxxi reputation to Exalted as fast as humanly possible.
In Patch 5.1 the repeatable quest Seeds of Fear had its requirement of 20 Dread Amber Shards reduced down to 5 Dread Amber Shards. This makes it a viable way to farm Klaxxi reputation.
Dread Amber Shards drop off enemies in Dread Wastes and they average anywhere from a 5-10% drop rate. Given the right location, with the right gear, and the right skills; you could earn over 500 Klaxxi reputation an hour. Continue reading