AoE Grinding Guide – AoE Leveling

Back in the old days it used to be only Frost Mages who could AoE Grind, but now just about every class can AoE Grind.  Having said that, this guide will work for the Death Knight, Druid, Hunter, Mage, Rogue, Shaman, Paladin, Priest, Warrior, Warlock, and Monk.

Some classes prefer smaller pulls while some, like the mage and protection paladin, will enjoy larger pulls.  There is something for everyone. Continue reading

What are the Three Monk Talent Specs?

The monk has three talent choices available to it for Mists of Pandaria.  It is like a Paladin in the sense it can be a tank, healer, and DPS.

Its three specs are called Windwalker, Mistweaver, and Brewmaster.

Brewmaster (monk tank)

A sturdy brawler who uses liquid fortifications and unpredictable movement to avoid damage and protect allies. Continue reading

Get Diablo 3 Free by Signing Up For WoW Annual Pass

If you’re a World of Warcraft player and excited about Mists of Pandaria but at the same time you can’t wait for the release of Diablo 3; then you have a perfect opportunity to get the best of both worlds.

You have until May 1st to update your WoW Subscription to the Annual Pass. If you do so, you will be given a Free Diablo 3 Download. Continue reading

Diablo 3 Release Date

Diablo 3, the follow up game to the phenomenal Diablo 2, has a release date of May 15th, 2012. Diablo 3 will be available for digital download and available in stores at the same time. Continue reading

Hayden Hawke’s Never Feel or Look Like Crap Again – Review

Hayden Hawke has just released another guide, this time a guide that teaches gamers how to feel and look better using simple and easy steps. Never Feel or Look Like Crap Again Gamers Health Guide is a bit different than what we are used to to seeing since it focuses on something actually outside of the game but I like it because it helps to improve your gaming while improving your life really as a whole. Continue reading

What are you most excited about for Mists of Pandaria?

While it’s still a while before the newest WoW expansion, Mists of Pandaria is released, it’s not too early to be getting excited about all the new incoming changes to the game.

Some of the most obvious highlights are the addition of a new race, Pandaren, which look like big fat pandas. Some of racial traits for this race are really neat: Continue reading

Patch 4.1 Profession Changes

Tomorrow patch 4.1 will be released. There are lots of changes and additions to the game such as Guild Challenges, Guild Finder, Dungeon Finder: Call to Arms, and the dungeons Zul’Gurub and Zul’Aman. As for profession specific changes, there are only a few, with the only substantial changes being the addition of Cooking and Fishing Dailies to Darnassus, Ironforge, Thunder Bluff, and Undercity. Continue reading