Do You Have Your Chef Title?

I’m going to be putting up some achievement guides on the site soon and it got me to thinking about how many people already have their Chef title from the Hail to the Chef achievement. While getting this guide together I realized how annoying it could be to try to get this achievement on a character that didn’t do everything in every expansion as it came out. Continue reading

Alliance Cataclysm Jewelcrafting Dailies Stormwind

This is a quick guide intended to make doing your Jewelcrafting Dailies a bit easier. In order to do the dailies in Stormwind you’ll need to be at least level 75 and have a Jewelcrafting skill level of 475. Once you reach 75 and get your skill up to 475 you’ll want to begin completing the dailies every day so that you are ready to level up your Jewelcrafting to 525 with the required recipes when the time comes, so that you’ll have the patterns you need to make your own gems, and so that you’ll have the patterns you’ll need to make a lot of gold off the auction house by selling cut gems on the Auction House. Continue reading

Patch 4.0.6 Profession Changes

This article was written by Hayden Hawke. If you haven’t already check out her Secret Gold Guide for excellent gold making strategies that will save you lots of time and make you more gold than ever before.

Patch 4.0.6 is widely expected to be go live on Tuesday. Although this can change, and with my luck probably will, here is an overview of the changes so far and how you can make gold by being prepared. If the patch doesn’t go live this Tuesday, be patient, it’s coming! Continue reading

Dalaran Cooking Quest Guide

Cooking Quests

There are 5 Dalaran Cooking Quests given by your faction’s Cooking Trainer in Dalaran (located in each faction’s Inn.) You will be able to do 1 of these quests (randomly selected) every day to earn Dalaran Cooking Awards and various types of spices. You can use the Dalaran Cooking Awards to purchase Cooking recipes which are significantly better than those learned at the trainer. Continue reading