Tomorrow patch 4.1 will be released. There are lots of changes and additions to the game such as Guild Challenges, Guild Finder, Dungeon Finder: Call to Arms, and the dungeons Zul’Gurub and Zul’Aman. As for profession specific changes, there are only a few, with the only substantial changes being the addition of Cooking and Fishing Dailies to Darnassus, Ironforge, Thunder Bluff, and Undercity.
Here are the profession notes from the patch notes:
“All major cities will now have every type of profession trainer and their associated trade supply vendors.” – this will be more convenient when you need to level up your profession or simply need to train from a trainer or buy something from a vendor
“New Cooking and Fishing Dailies have been added to Darnassus, Ironforge, Thunder Bluff, and Undercity.” – This is a great addition, the new dailies in Stormwind and Orgrimmar are great but it’s easy to breeze through them really quickly so it’s nice to see more being added for people who like to work on Fishing and Cooking.
“Alchemy – Flask of Steelskin now grants 450 Stamina, up from 300. The Mixology bonus for alchemists remains at 120 Stamina.” – This is a nice sta increase for this flask.
“Archaeology – Seven new rare items have been added.
Players now have a much smaller chance of getting a dig site for a race for which they have completed all rare finds.” – It’s always fun when new items get added and hopefully the second change will make it more convenient/less frustrating to people.