So you’ve selected a Barracks for your Large Building plot and you’re looking to give yourself a bodyguard to help finish off the grind from level 98 to 100 or to help you farm areas of Draenor.
At level 98 after skipping Spires of Arak I noticed a huge slow down in my killing speed when I moved into Nagrand because my gear wasn’t up to par. After establishing my Garrison in Nagrand I was rewarded with a Comprehensive Outpost Construction Guide. This allows me to save gold and go to a Blue Prints Vendor in Stormshield (Alliance) or Warspear (Horde) where you can use this construction guide to upgrade your Barracks among many other buildings.
You can also purchase this upgrade for 1500 Gold from the blue prints vendor right in your Garrison.
You must have a Nagrand Outpost or be Level 100 to upgrade your Barracks to Level 2.
After you’ve upgraded your Barracks simply go to your Architect Table.
Find and click on your Barracks.
There is a big plus sign next to the description in the top that says click to assign a follower, click that.
This brings up a select follower section on the left so that you can choose from the available followers with the traits for that building. You can see I only have one follower at this point that can be assigned to the Barracks. Click on that follower and it will add them to the Barracks.
The next thing you do is head over to your Barracks and find the follower there that you’ve assigned sitting out front. Talk to them and and you can make it so they’ll join you.
You get three levels of reputation with your follower each one requires 10,000 reputation. You get reputation by having her with you while killing enemies etc. Each level unlocks new things from your bodyguard.
If your bodyguard dies…
If your bodyguard ends up dying you will have to ask her to join you again at your barracks but there is a 1 hour cooldown before you can do that so be careful not to let her die.
Followers and their Abilities
Basic Abilities:
Chain Heal and another Shaman-themed one
Level 2:
Leorajh Ability: Primal Bloodlust: Increases haste by 15% for you and your target.
Level 3:
Leorajh Perk: Windspeaker: Portable Garrison mission table.
Basic Ability:
Level 2:
Tormmok Ability: Avatar: Transform into a colossus for 30 sec, dealing 50% increased damage and removing all roots and snares.
Level 3:
Tormmok Perk: Master of Arms: Repairs weapons and armor anywhere.
Source: Located at 44.9, 86,9 in Gorgrond. Fight several waves of mobs, and after Woodfist is dead, he will turn friendly.
Talonpriest Ishaal:
Basic Ability: Shadowpriest abilities.
Level 2:
Ishaal Ability: Last Rites: Marks the target for death, stunning them and causing them to take 20% increased damage for 9 sec. When Last Rites completes or the target dies, they explode for 0 Shadow damage to nearby enemies within 0 to 30 yards.
Level 3:
Ishaal Perk: Courier Raven: Serves as a portable mailbox.
Talonpriest Ishaal, reward for completing
Between Arak and a Hard Place
Basic Ability:
Level 2:
Vivianne Ability: Meteor: Calls down a meteor which lands at the target location after 3 sec, dealing Fire damage. Also burns the ground, dealing additional Fire damage every 5 sec for 8 sec to enemies in the area.
Level 3:
Vivianne Perk: Portal: Garrison: Creates Garrison portal
The Dark Lady’s Gift, complete short questline in Ashran.
Basic Ability:
Death and Decay
Level 2:
Delvar Ability: Breath of Sindragosa: Deals Shadowfrost damage every 1 sec to enemies in a cone in front of you within 12 yards over 6 sec.
Level 3:
Delvar Perk: Death Gate: Creates Garrison portal
Delvar Ironfist, complete short questline in Ashran.
Aeda Brightdawn:
Basic Ability: Tanking demonology warlock.
Level 2:
Aeda Ability: Summon Infernal: Summons a Infernal from the Twisting Nether, impacting for (100% of Spell power) Fire damage and stunning all enemy targets in the area for 2 sec. The Infernal will serve under your command for 1 min.
Level 3:
Aeda Perk: Ritual of Summoning: Summon party or raid member to your location.
The True Path, fight the gatekeepers of Auchindoun.
Defender Illona:
Basic Ability: Prot Paladin
Level 2:
Illona Ability: Guardian of Ancient Kings: Summons a Guardian of Ancient Kings to protect you for 12 sec. The Guardian of Ancient Kings reduces damage taken by 50%.
Level 3:
Illona Perk: Guiding Light: Summon party or raid member to your location.
The True Path, fight the gatekeepers of Auchindoun.
Summary of Steps
- Have a Nagrand Outpost (level 98) or be level 100
- Purchase Level 2 Barracks Blue Print and upgrade Barracks
- Go to Architect Table and assign a follower to Barracks
- Go to Barracks find follower and ask them to join you