In this guide, I’ll help you level your Alchemy from 1-450 with as little gold as possible. Leveling Alchemy is easier than it might seem, especially with the paths in this guide. I recommend leveling Herbalism as well.
Although we try to make this as cheap as possible sometimes shit gets expensive but with this gold guide, you’ll have enough cash to make it happen.
Leveling Alchemy
Each segment below describes the best way for leveling Alchemy from one level to the next, there are other ways you might find useful for your unique situation. I excluded all vendor materials such as vials. I’ve also estimated some of the materials needed, for instance it may take anywhere between 10 & 15 crafts, so I used 10-15 in the text below.
Apprentice & Journeyman Alchemy (Leveling from 1-140)
Leveling Alchemy from 1-140 is very straight forward. All the following recipes can be learned from any major city’s Alchemy Trainer. The materials needed include Peacebloom, Silverleaf, Briathorn and Bruiseweed. All are easy to find in level 1-10 and 10-20 zones while leveling Herbalism, or on the Auction House.
Expert Alchemy (Leveling from 140-210)
Leveling Alchemy from 140-210 is just as straight forward as 1-140. In this guide you will need Mageroyal, Stranglekelp, Liferoot, Kingsblood and Goldthorn. Mageroyal can be found in level 10-20 areas while collecting Strangkelp off the coast in places like Darkshore, Westfall or the Wetlands. The latter half of these herbs can be found while circling Arathi Highland, more details in this Herbalism Leveling Guide.
Artisan Alchemy (Leveling from 210-300)
While leveling Alchemy to 300, you will need a ton of Goldthorn, Wild Steelbloom, Khadgar’s Whiskers, Arthas’ Tear, Sungrass, Blindweed, Golden Sansam, Mountain Silversage. You can buy the Goldthorn, Blindweed and Golden Sansam on the Auction House with gold. Otherwise, you can find the remaining herbs in places like Feralas, Felwood and Western Plaguelands.
Master Alchemy (Leveling from 300-350)
To continue leveling Alchemy past 300 you will need to be level 50, have The Burning Crusade expansion and travel to the Outlands. You can learn Master Alchemy from the following Master Alchemy Trainers:
- Shattrath’s Lower City: Lorokeem
- Horde, Thrallmar: Apothecary Antonivich
- Alliance, Honor Hold: Alchemist Gribble
These NPCs also sell several of the alchemy recipes you’ll need while leveling to 350.
In this guide we’ll use the easiest/cheapest path to 350 Alchemy, which requires Golden Sansam and Felweed from Hellfire Penninsula. Ragveil and Dreaming Glory from Zangarmarsh and the Netherbloom from Netherstorm. There should also be a surplus of Felweed (at least) on the Auction House, but the Netherweave can cost a lot of gold.
Grand Master Alchemy (Leveling from 350-450)
To learn Grand Master Alchemy and to continue leveling past 350, you need to be at least level 65, be level 350+ alchemy, have the Wrath of the Lich King expansion and travel to Northrend. You can learn level 350+ and most of the recipes that you will need for leveling to 450 from the following Grand Master Alchemy Trainers:
- Dalaran’s Alchemy Shop (north Dalaran): Linzy Blackbolt
- Alliance, Valiance Keep (Borean Tundra): Falorn Nightwhisper
- Alliance, Valgarde (Howling Fjord): Lanolis Dewdrop
- Horde, Warsong Hold (Borea Tundra): Arthur Henslowe
- Horde, Vengeance Landing (Howling Fjord): Wilhelmina Renel
For this section of the guide you’ll most likely be able to buy most of the supplies on the Auction House for gold, which is a great time saver but not so great on your gold supply.
Once your alchemy is 400 you can make Indestructible Alchemist’s Stone, Mercurial Alchemist’s Stone, and Mighty Alchemist’s Stone, which you may find useful for yourself (they require Alchemy to use). You can also begin using Northrend Alchemy Research to start discovering new recipes every day.