Cooking is a great secondary profession to have for a character that can greatly enhance a character’s ability to get specific stats higher for leveling, grouping, or raiding.
You’ll need either meat from mobs or fish from fishing for most recipes in order to level up. If you have the money, feel free to buy what you need from the auction house.
This guide will give a few options to level your fishing for certain skill levels so you have some options no matter how you decide to get the materials.
You will need to be able to make a cooking fire (found in your spell book under the general tab) so you do not have to run back to a camp or city to do your combines.
Now find a cooking trainer/supplier to get started. Train as needed so you can keep progressing.
Cooking 1-70

Cooking 70-130

Cooking 130-225

Cooking 225-300

Cooking 300-350

Cooking 375-450