Tips for leveling Herbalism
Zone Levels
If you’re stuck leveling your Herbalism. Consider your Herbalism level, pretend it’s 240/300. Divide it by 5: level 48. Subtract about 5 levels and head to a zone of that level (Tanaris/Feralas is good for levels 40-45) and you should have decent luck leveling your Herbalism there, or just use this guide’s maps.
Find Herbs
Use your ‘Find Herbs’ tool while leveling, do this by left clicking on the icon connected to your minimap and going down to ‘Find Herbs’:

Click to Move
Use ‘Click to Move’ in your Interface->Mouse options. It will let you click an herb off in the distance and it will send your character there and have him/her loot on arrival. Very convenient for looting. You can even click to loot an herb while mounted, and you will be auto unmounted on arrival. Finally, make sure you have the Gatherer Addon installed and setup properly before using this guide.
Leveling from 1-70
From levels 1 to 70, we’ll gather Silverleaf, Peacebloom, Earthroot and Mageroyal. The best place to start is in Durotar, but if you don’t want to travel there you can use any of the beginning zones. For Horde I also recommend Mulgore and Tirisfall Glades. As Alliance, head to Elwynn Forest or Teldreassil. Most herbs are found near mountains, rivers or trees. Most of the time you are safe traveling the edges of zones, along treelines or up and down the edges of rivers to find herbs.
Horde 1-70
Alliance 1-70
Hillsbrad Foothills 70-150

As an alternative, you can go to the Northern Barrens and collect Mageroyal and Briathorn. At level 125 you should head into Stonetalon Mountains and collect Wild Steelbloom and more Briarthorn to get to 150 faster.
Alternative: Northern Barrens 70-125

Alternative: Stonetalon Mountains 125-150

Leveling from 150-225
You will need to go to an Herbalism trainer to level past 150. To get to 225 you can go to either the Western Plaguelands or to Southern Barrens and then Feralas.
If you choose Western Plaguelands, start by riding or flying around Scholomance as seen in the map while collecting Liferoot. There is a ton of it here and it should get you to at least level 160 so that you can collect Fadeleaf inland. While going from 160-185 stick near the farms and once you hit 185 you can gather everything in this zone. You’ll reach 225 very quickly being able to gather all the Khadgar’s Whisker.
Western Plaguelands 150-225

Southern Barrens & Feralas is the less ideal route. I wouldn’t recommend doing this route unless you have a flying mount. Start by collecting Kingsblood and Liferoot in the northern part of Southern Barrens. You only need to be level 160 before going to Feralas.
Alternative: Southern Barrens 150-160

After Southern Barrens, head south and west to Feralas to collect Khadgar’s Whiskers and Fadeleaf until level 225.
Alternative: Feralas 185-225

Leveling from 225-300
Once you’ve trained Herbalism past 225, you can head to Eastern Plaguelands to level to 275. Around level 260 Khadgar’s Whiskers will stop giving you a lot of levels but the Sungrass will suffice to get you to 275.
Eastern Plaguelands 225-275

Once you’re 275, head back to town and train Master Herbalism and then fly to the Blasted Lands to reach level 300. In The Blasted Lands you’ll find plenty of Gromsblood, Dreamfoil and Mountain Silversage. I actually recommend you go to level 315-330 before leaving, since herbs are more difficult to find in the Outlands. When you’re ready to leave, head into the Dark Portal.
The Blasted Lands 275-300
Leveling from 300-360
If you followed the subsequent leveling guide, you should have already trained Master Herbalism and you should be ready to go to Hellfire Peninsula. This guide’s focus is to get to 450 asap, so there’s really no need to go anywhere else in Outlands unless you need the herbs for leveling Inscription or Alchemy. Collect Felweed, Dreamfoil and Dreaming Glory in Hellfire until you’re level 360. If you get bored in Hellfire Peninsula you can head into Zangarmarsh as early as level 325.

Leveling from 360-380
To continue leveling Herbalism you’ll need to train Grand Master Herbalism and then head to either the Holwing Fjord or Borean Tundra and start collecting Goldclover and Tiger Lily. Both of these herbs are valuable on the Auction House.
If you head to Borean Tundra, you should collect Goldclover until level 375, gather any of the Tiger Lily (requires 375) around the lake in the middle of the zone and then head to Sholazar at level ~380.
Borean Tundra 360-380

If you decide to go to Howling Fjord, collect Goldclover and Tiger Lily until about level 380 and then head to Sholazar Basin.
Howling Fjord 360-380

Leveling from 380-450
At 380 you can head to Sholazar Basin where you can continue picking Tiger Lily and Goldclover until level 400 and then begin picking Adder’s Tongue. You won’t find a zone full of this many herbs again, so I recommend you stay here until level 450 but you could technically leave at 425.
Sholazar 380-450