This leatherworking leveling guide takes the most practical and common-sense approach to leveling your leatherworking to 450 as easy as possible. Sometimes there can be significant cost differences while leveling between the server this guide was tested on and the server you’re playing on.
If you notice another item to make at certain points in the guide that is cheaper for you while leveling, by all means go ahead and use it instead of following the guide. You can also purchase all of these materials off the auction house to level faster, if you’re short on gold I highly recommend reading this gold guide.
Apprentice Leatherworking (Leveling 1-75)
3 steps, nice and easy part of the the leatherworking guide, don’t get used to it though this is just the beginning of the guide. Materials are cheap, to go past skill 75 make sure you visit the Leatherworking trainer to continue leveling.
Here is a summary of mats for this leveling section.
170-200 Light Leather
85-100 Coarse Thread

Journeyman Leatherworking (Leveling 75-150)
The guide is getting a little more complex here, remember to go past 150 you must head to the trainer again in order to keep leveling. There’s nothing fancy that goes on in this section of the guide, you will start to see the cost increase as you move from light leather to medium leather and the ingredients lists are using a lot more quantity, but this is completely normal for leatherworking.
Here is a summary of mats for this leveling section.
240-330 Light Leather
80-110 Coarse Thread
20-30 Gray Dye
230-310 Medium Leather
40-50 Fine Thread

Expert Leatherworking (Leveling 150-225)
This section of the leatherworking guide will get a bit pricier as will the rest of the leatherworking guide.
Here is a summary of mats for this leveling section.
290-340 Heavy Leather
250-300 Thick Leader
20 Cured Heavy Hides
60-70 Silken Thread
50-60 Fine Thread

Artisan Leatherworking (Leveling 225-300)
Don’t forget to go past 225 you need to hit up the trainer again to continue leveling leatherworking. This part of the guide is going to be expense, probably no way around it. These mobs are no longer farmed as much because at level 58 most people head to outlands and there’s no reason to stay around skinning these things.
Here is a summary of mats for this leveling section.
280 Thick Leather
415-465 Rugged Leather
80 Silken Thread
35 Black Dye
35 Rune Thread

Master Leatherworking (Leveling 300-350)
Don’t forget to go past 300 you need to hit up the master trainer who can only be found in the outlands.
Here is a summary of mats for this leveling section.
430-630 Knothide Leather
75-105 Rune Thread

Grand Master Leatherworking (Leveling 350-450)
Before you hear me repeat myself and say this is expensive, go ahead and take a look at the mats summary list below. Don’t forget there are easy ways to make gold.
Here is a summary of mats for this leveling section.
320-460 Borean Leather
140-240 Heavy Borean Leather
55-65 Arctic Furs
5-15 Nerubian Chitin
20-30 Eternal Air
410-420 Nerubian Chitin
15-20 Frozen Orbs