This guide is extremely useful especially if you are power leveling an alternate character with your main. If you don’t have a main character to run you through I would recommend starting in some the easiest instance and wait until at least level 40 and when you have the correct setup to solo. In Scarlet Monastery the elites will range from levels low to mid 30s in the library instance (instance on the right when you enter) to 39-40 in the cathedral.
Scarlet Monastery is a great place to power level up an alt 25-40 if you group with a level 60 and its great for free gold while you are at it. Just make sure you keep the character you are power leveling far enough behind that he won’t gain agro. As the character increases levels you can move to the next instance. You will get 100+
exp per kill and you can take down the entire area with your high level character. The reward is a chance at phat loot that sells in the auction house as well as the random greens for either disenchants or silk cloths to sell in the auction house as well.
Since they nerfed Arcanist Doan’s sell price for blue drops, the best thing to do is just clear in the entire instance instead of sneaking to Doan and killing him. As you clear the way in be prepared for pulls of 3 or sometimes 4 mobs at a time. Keep your inventories clear, as you will be receiving a lot of items. Green items in high demand sell well on the auction house (leather monkey drops for rogues, etc). The rest you can disenchant and sell in the auction house as well as the silks. I usually get about 10 stacks of silks after clearing all three instances(skip graveyard). On my server silks sell for approximately 80s a stack so that’s an extra 8 gold in ddition to all the loot you get. On average I’ve easily made 35g an hour in Scarlet Monastery while leveling my alts.

Scarlet Monastery Map
The Scarlet Monastery Library
The Scarlet Monastery Library is where I begin to power level my alts 25 and up. It is the lowest level of the 3 instances I do (I usually skip the graveyard. In this instance there are two bosses that you will be able to kill to get some blue items and disenchant.
Houndmaster Loksey
Believe it or not Houndmaster Loksey will be one of the hardest fights you encounter in all of Scarlet Monastery. He is accompanied by three dogs and they all attack once any of them are aggroed, including the Houndmaster. I found as a level 60 Hunter that midway through the fight I would be trying to heal my pet to keep up with the damage he was taking. Sometimes my pet would die and I’d have to fight it out melee style and even have the alt I was power leveling help me finish it off. The fight is straightforward; kill the three dogs, the houndmaster, and loot.
Arcanist Doan
The final fight of the Scarlet Monastery Library instance is Arcanist Doan. Prior to his nerf some of his drops would sell for around 3 gold. People were using rogues and other classes to stealth to him and kill him and rinse and repeat. It was an easy farming session. His items now sell for way less, but that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t kill him while you’re clearing the out the Library instance.
This fight is a little bit more complex. He walks back and forth in a circular room at the end of the instance. He is a caster and causes a lot of damage. What I do as a hunter is send my pet into him and just fire from outside the room. When he gets to about 50 percent health he will turn invulnerable. At this point I usually run my pet out of the room and stand away from him because he is about to unleash an almost room-wide radius area of effect fire spell that causes a lot of damage and death to newbs who are in a low level group killing him. After he releases his AoE then you’re free to just kill him. After his death don’t forget to loot your Scarlet Monastery Key in the chest near him so you can open the door to the Cathedral and Armory.
[Illusionary Rod]
[Hypnotic Blade]
The Scarlet Monastery Armory
The Armory can be one of the most dangerous instances in Scarlet Monastery because of pulls and runners. Every group of enemies is a set of 3 or 4 and if a runner gets away it’s possible he could pull 3 or 4 more fairly easily. You will clear your way down a corridor with many turns and twists. Be careful not to let a runner get out of your line of sight by running around a corner and aggroing more enemies.
Herod, the only real boss in Scarlet Monastery. He is pure melee and does an AoE attack that can cause a good amount of damage to lower level characters. As a hunter I usually stand ontop of the steps by the door and shoot from up there while I send my pet in to hold aggro. After his death a bunch of his lackees will come running in, probably 20-30(never counted). Don’t worry they die fast, all you need is some sort of AoE, my explosive trap will drop them all in one hit. Just don’t let them kill your alt if you brought one with.
[Herod’s Shoulder]
[Raging Berserker’s Helm]
[Scarlet Leggings]
The Scarlet Monastery Cathedral
The Scarlet Monastery Cathedral is the highest level instance of all and usually where I spend most of my time grinding my alt after he’s reached level 30 or so. This is the final instance and the two bosses drop some pretty good loot. There is nothing tricky about clearing in, just be careful of runners, if one gets lose in the courtyard it could cause a big train. Also, ensure you clear out all of the Scarlet Monastery Cathedral before attacking Scarlet Commander Mograine or the entire cathedral will aggro you.
High Inquisitor Fairbanks
This boss is hidden behind a secret door. In the far right room of the cathedral there is a torch on the wall that you must click to open this sliding door. The Inquisitor will be laying on the ground but you can attack and he’ll stand up and fight. He has a fear and likes to heal himself at the end, but with high dps you won’t have any problems. All of his drops are green.
Scarlet Commander Mograine and High Inquisitor Whitemane
This fight is part of an event. You won’t be able to just aggro one or the other and kill them off. What will happen is you will engage the Scarlet Commander (after you have cleared the cathedral of course). When the Scarlet Commander dies, the Inquisitor will run out, say some things, and then attack you. When the Inquisitor’s health drops below 50 percent she will put your group to sleep, ressurect Mograine, Heal herself to full, and the battle begins again with you fighting them both at the same time. I recommend you kill Whitemane first and then Mograine. This can be a tough fight even for a 60 if you aren’t paying attention. Make sure you do not kill Whitemane before she has a chance to ressurect Mograine or you will only receive loot from her.
[Whitemane’s Chapeau]
[Triune Amulet]
[Hand of Righteousness]
[Aegis of the Scarlet Commander]
[Gauntlets of Divinity]
[Mograine’s Might]
[Scarlet Leggings]