Cataclysm Warrior Talent Builds
Warriors are the traditional World of Warcraft tanking class. The Warrior’s talent trees are Arms, Fury, and Protection. They are widely know to be the best single target main tanks in the game and with Wrath of the Lich King they competed with Death Knights and Paladins for greatest AoE tank with Shockwave.
Warriors can also cause a considerable amount of raid DPS in Fury spec with enough hit rating and they will keep up with Rogues anyday of the week when that happens.
Arms Warriors are deadly in PvP, especially the arena, with their high damage mitigation and burst dps abilities.
Spec | Points | Tree | Roles | Patch | Rating![]() |
Arms Destruction | 31/2/8 | Hybrid | World PvP | 4.0.6 | |
The Real ARMS! | 31-7-3 | Arms | World PvP | 4.0.6 | |
4.0.6 Common Arms pvp | 35-6-0 | Arms | Arena | 4.0.6 | |
Arms PvP | 32-7-2 | Arms | World PvP | 4.0.6 | |
The Tank Spec Cata | 7-3-31 | Protection | Tanking | 4.0.6 | |
Tank Spec Cata | 5-5-31 | Protection | Tanking | 4.0.6 | |
Raiding Fury Dps (… | 10/31/0 | Hybrid | DPS | 4.0.6 | |
Raiding tank spec | 5-3-33 | Protection | Tanking | 4.0.6 | |
Arms-wrestling | 31-07-03 | Hybrid | DPS | 4.0.6 | |
4.03 tanking | 2-5-34 | Protection | Tanking | 4.0.3 | |
Decent Cata Tank Build | 4-6-31 | Hybrid | Tanking | 4.0.3 | |
Fury DPS | 3/32/3 | Fury | DPS | 4.0.3 | |
Fury DPS | 3/32/3 | Fury | DPS | 4.0.3 | |
Fury Warrior PVP spec | 10-31-0 | Fury | Battlegrounds | 4.0.3 | |
Best Cataclysm Warrior… | 7-31-3 | Fury | DPS | 4.0.3 | |
Arms PvP / Arena | 32-6-3 | Arms | Arena | 4.0.3 | |
Arms PVP | 32-6-3 | Arms | World PvP | 4.0.3 | |
Imada’ Fury PvP | 8-33-0 | Fury | World PvP | 4.0.3 | |
Fury/Hybrid dps | 10/31/0 | Fury | Battlegrounds | 4.0.3 | |
Arms | 34/00/07 | Arms | World PvP | 4.0.3 | |
Fury Warr Dps Build | 7-31-3 | Fury | DPS | 4.0.3 | |
Unbeatable | 32-6-3 | Arms | World PvP | 4.2 | |
Fury PVP | 7 – 31 – 3 | Fury |
World PvP
4.2 | |
possible tank build? | 5-3-33 | Hybrid | Tanking | 4.2 | |
my version of tanking | 5/3/33 | Hybrid | Tanking | 4.2 | |
4.2 fury pvp uild | 10-31-0 | Fury | World PvP | 4.2 | |
pvp prot | 7-3-31 | Protection | Battlegrounds | 4.2 | |
Arms Warrior PVP… | 31/3/7 | Arms | Arena | 4.1 | |
PvP | 3-31-7 | Fury | Battlegrounds | 4.1 | |
Arms pvp | 31/7/3 | Arms | Arena | 4.1 | |
Warr tank | 2-7-32 | Protection | Tanking | 4.1 | |
fury aoe | 8/31/2 | Fury | DPS | 4.1 | |
Arms utility | 31.5.5 | Arms | Battlegrounds | 4.1 | |
Tank Spec for 4.0.1 | 2/3/31 | Hybrid | Tanking | 4.0 | |
Best Warrior DPS Build | 3-31-2 | Fury | DPS | 4.0 |